4. Initiation Medical Visit

Summary information about this component is provided below; scroll down to view and download tools individually, or click the button to download all the tools for this component as a single package.


Patients who want to start PrEP (and can afford it) are screened for medical eligibility; provided information about PrEP efficacy, adherence, and managing side effects; and receive relevant sexual health care services.


Reinforcement of PrEP efficacy and adherence by medical providers increases patient motivation and commitment. A PrEP prescription visit is a perfect opportunity to provide other comprehensive sexual health services and to reinforce PrEP as a component of overall sexual wellness.

Decision Points

Can patients be referred to same-day PrEP initiation medical visits following decision-making counseling?

Will your site do same-day PrEP start?

Individual Tools for PrEP Initiation Medical Visit

Guide for Program Component

Standard Operating Procedures Template

Program Component Checklist