2. Decision-Making Counseling

Summary information about this component is provided below; scroll down to view and download tools individually, or click the button to download all the tools for this component as a single package.


Patients who are considering PrEP are provided with more detailed education and counseling to inform and support their decision-making.


When deciding to start PrEP, patients need to understand how PrEP works and what they need to do to use PrEP safely and effectively. Framing PrEP uptake as an empowering, responsible choice that patients can make to take control of their sexual health increases patients’ interest in and commitment to PrEP as an HIV prevention option.

Decision Points

How is PrEP Decision-Making Counseling integrated into primary care and/or sexual health services at your site?

What “triggers” PrEP Education & Counseling services?

Individual Tools for PrEP Decision-Making Counseling

Guide for Program Component

Standard Operating Procedures Template

Program Component Checklist

Staff Training Manual