3. Financial Navigation

Summary information about this component is provided below; scroll down to view and download tools individually, or click the button to download all the tools for this component as a single package.


Any successful PrEP program must support patients in navigating the financial costs associated with a PrEP prescription, visits, and labs.


Equitable access to PrEP is increased when patients can be confident that they can afford it. Offering financial navigation within a PrEP program can facilitate PrEP initiation and sustainment and build trust by demonstrating that the clinic and provider understand patients’ needs and concerns.

Decision Points

What payment options are available to PrEP patients at your site? 

What level of financial navigation assistance can your site provide, and how will that impact PrEP services?

Individual Tools for PrEP Financial Navigation

Guide for Program Component

Standard Operating Procedures Template

Program Component Checklist

Staff Training Manual


Customizable Patient Information Sheet