Monitoring & Evaluating Programs
Program monitoring and evaluation can help programs better achieving their goals and adapt their approaches to overcome critical challenges. Learn more about how a data-driven approach that minimizes burden on the implementers can assure the success of your program and increase health equity.
from the literature
1. Health centers can monitor and evaluate (M&E) their programs to assess progress toward programmatic goals, identify challenges, and facilitate program adaptation to improve service delivery and reach the desired outcomes.
- This module developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) provides information on how to monitor and evaluate the performance of PrEP programs, and how health providers can use actionable data for decision-making and quality improvement.
2. A logic framework is a useful tool that health centers can use to map out available resources and identify the objectives of a program and how they will be measured. The tool can help program implementers articulate what the inputs, outputs, outcome, and impact of the program are, and specify indicators for M&E activities.
- This presentation discusses how implementation science can be harnessed in the Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) initiative to inform tools, models and frameworks. When programs use a logic framework that specifies intervention components, articulates mechanisms of action, and details strategies and outcomes at the provider, program, and system levels.
- This paper describes the Implementation Research Logic Model, a tool designed for implementation scientists and practitioners to enhance the rigor and transparency of describing the often-complex processes of improving the adoption of evidence-based interventions in healthcare delivery systems.”
3. Health centers can use the PrEP cascade to quantify steps and identify gaps in service delivery. Mapping real-world programmatic / clinical data onto the PrEP cascade can help implementers monitor program performance and inform strategies to improve service delivery.
- This paper presents evidence about how the PrEP cascade can be used to guide the planning, implementation, and monitoring performance of real-world PrEP programs. Using routine programmatic data to populate the PrEP cascade, the authors identified missed opportunities in PrEP implementation, and employed interventions to increase effective and equitable delivery of PrEP services.
- Were D, Musau A, Mutegi J, Ongwen P, Manguro G, Kamau M, Marwa T, Gwaro H, Mukui I, Plotkin M, Reed J. Using a HIV prevention cascade for identifying missed opportunities in PrEP delivery in Kenya: results from a programmatic surveillance study. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2020 Jun;23:e25537.7
- Were D, Musau A, Mutegi J, Ongwen P, Manguro G, Kamau M, Marwa T, Gwaro H, Mukui I, Plotkin M, Reed J. Using a HIV prevention cascade for identifying missed opportunities in PrEP delivery in Kenya: results from a programmatic surveillance study. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2020 Jun;23:e25537.7
4. A good M&E plan should be data-driven and minimize the data collection and reporting burden. Extracting data from the electronic medical record (EMR) is a good start but may prove challenging for capturing process metrics.
- This paper presents the minimum reporting variables (n=4) needed for ongoing monitoring of PrEP programs and inter-country comparison. It utilizes routine surveillance items to monitor key stages in PrEP delivery and to inform strategies to improve program performance.
- These papers demonstrate how EMR data can be useful for the monitoring and evaluation of HIV treatment and prevention programs, while also noting the need to refine existing EMR system to allow the collection of additional M&E metrics (e.g., process indicators).
- Reidy WJ, Rabkin M, Syowai M, Schaaf A, El-Sadr WM. Patient-level and program-level monitoring and evaluation of differentiated service delivery for HIV: a pragmatic and parsimonious approach is needed. AIDS (London, England). 2018 Jan 28;32(3):399.]7
- Nash D, Elul B, Rabkin M, Tun M, Saito S, Becker M, Nuwagaba-Biribonwoha H. Strategies for more effective monitoring and evaluation systems in HIV programmatic scale-up in resource-limited settings: implications for health systems strengthening. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 2009 Nov 1;52:S58-62.]7
- Reidy WJ, Rabkin M, Syowai M, Schaaf A, El-Sadr WM. Patient-level and program-level monitoring and evaluation of differentiated service delivery for HIV: a pragmatic and parsimonious approach is needed. AIDS (London, England). 2018 Jan 28;32(3):399.]7
5. Significant disparities exist in PrEP awareness, uptake, and HIV incidence in the U.S. M&E metrics measuring disparities are needed to ensure equity.
- These papers present evidence of the racial and ethnic disparities in PrEP awareness and uptake in the U.S.
- Nosyk B, Krebs E, Zang X, Piske M, Enns B, Min JE, Behrends CN, Del Rio C, Feaster DJ, Golden M, Marshall BD. “Ending the Epidemic” Will Not Happen Without Addressing Racial/Ethnic Disparities in the United States Human Immunodeficiency Virus Epidemic. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2020 Dec 1;71(11):2968-71.
- Kanny D, Jeffries IV WL, Chapin-Bardales J, Denning P, Cha S, Finlayson T, Wejnert C, Abrego M, Al-Tayyib A, Anderson B, Barak N. Racial/ethnic disparities in HIV preexposure prophylaxis among men who have sex with men—23 urban areas, 2017. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2019 Sep 20;68(37):801.
- Elopre L, Kudroff K, Westfall AO, Overton ET, Mugavero MJ. The right people, right places, and right practices: Disparities in PrEP access among African American men, women and MSM in the Deep South. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999). 2017 Jan 1;74(1):56.
- Nosyk B, Krebs E, Zang X, Piske M, Enns B, Min JE, Behrends CN, Del Rio C, Feaster DJ, Golden M, Marshall BD. “Ending the Epidemic” Will Not Happen Without Addressing Racial/Ethnic Disparities in the United States Human Immunodeficiency Virus Epidemic. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2020 Dec 1;71(11):2968-71.
- This paper highlights the importance of including disparities metrics as part of the monitoring system in the “End the HIV Epidemic” (EtHE) plan and discusses how the health disparities can be addressed via the EtHE plan.
6. Using unified metrics for M&E facilitates consistency and comparability across programs.
- This conference presentation shows how the PrEP retention outcomes varied depending on the definition of the measure. It demonstrates how the generalizability and the sharing of best practices is challenged by a lack of consistent and standardized set of measures.
for policies and programs
M&E is an iterative process and should be integrated into the planning and implementation of a PrEP program.
Clinics should consider creating logic framework for their PrEP programs and develop M&E strategies that work for their service delivery models, clinic flow, and local context.
Routine monitoring of PrEP programs is essential to assess program performance and inform strategies to improve service delivery.
Outcome measures as well as process measures (e.g., percentage of patients who were discussed PrEP, percentage of patients who had their sexual history taken) should be included in routine monitoring. Clinics should review their EHR system to understand whether modifications are needed to improve routine capturing of M&E metrics.
There is an urgent need for standardized PrEP M&E metrics.
The lack of common and systematic metrics for evaluating PrEP programs in the U.S. has greatly restricted the comparability of PrEP programs. Policy makers and public health agencies should work with health centers to develop a set of metrics that are useful for developing programs and conducting M&E to improve programs.
Disaggregation of M&E data by race/ethnicity, sociodemographic factors, sexual and gender minority status, and geography is critical.
Only through such disaggregation can programs to understand disparities in program implementation and actively identify remedies to address them.
for this topic area
Resources and tools in these sections of the PrEP Program Builder are informed by and reflect the lessons in this key topic…